
Mohammed Ebrahim Gandhi

Sandwiched between a mosque and a Jain temple at Pydhonie in Bombay, is Mohammed Ebrahim Gandhi, an 90-year-old shop that deals exclusively in 650 herbs and herbal remedies.

It was started in 1907, by Mohammed Ebrahim Gandhi (thus the name) who had an amzing knowledge of herbs and their use. But since 1979, his grandson Yusuf has been managing the business. “The roots, leaves and bark of any plant is ayurvedic while the flowers and fruits are unani.”Due to growing demand of Ayurvedic herbal medicine, Yusuf has started his export division as a named "RAXSON EXPORT". Step into the shop and strange smells engulf you-sweet, sour and pungent. The interiors are packed with roots, barks, leaves, powders and strange-looking grains, From the ceiling hang plastic bags filled with herbal assortments. The shop assistants carefully weigh the herbs and pack them into transparent plastic packers. No fancy sales talk here, just brisk selling.

Pick any ailment and Yusuf has the remedy at tip of his fingers. With more confidence than an experienced medico, he rattles on’, whereas for indigestion ‘Chiraitha’ is ideal.” His best selling product remains the ‘Black Caraway Oil’, priced at Rs. 180 for 100 gms, which he says is the remedy for all diseases except death. “Black Caraway activates the body’s immune system and increases resistance to many disease. This oil can be taken internally as well as applied externally.” 100 gms, which he says is the remedy for all diseases except death. “Black Caraway activates the body’s immune system and increases resistance to many disease. This oil can be taken internally as well as applied externally.” Yusuf also blends and sells face packs priced at Rs. 200 a kg and face and body washes priced at Rs. 100 a kg. “Not all the people know what to take, some-times they just tell me the ailment and we prescribe the remedy,” adds Yusuf. Yusuf would like to diversify with his grandfather’s dream of curing the incurable!

So if you have any problems just check the herbal way at Mohammed Ebrahim Gandhi, Pydhonie, Mumbai.